Hypothyroidism and the underactive thyroid symptoms it causes is a common problem faced by millions of
people around the world. Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid glands fail to
produce enough hormones. In such a condition, the hormones fail to stimulate
the metabolism system of the body and slow down the processes of the body.
Various research carried by medical experts have deduced that the occurrence of
Hypothyroidism is more common among people above the age group of fifty years
that in a lesser age group bracket, but it does not mean that people who are
less averse to it will stop taking precautions. Hypothyroidism increases the
cholesterol level and makes a person more immune to heart disease and diabetes.
Underactive Thyroid Symptoms:
Certain symptoms of Hypothyroidism in the initial stages may
include weakness of the body, mental fatigue, and increase in the normal
weight, depressive behavior, headache, and stomach pain, feeling excessive
cold, pains in the body, pain in the joints, Constipation, hair fall, brittle
nails, pale face, muscle pain and more. These are some of the normal symptoms
that one can go through while facing Hypothyroidism.
In the later stage when the problem increases, the symptoms
may include a loss of memory, improper speech condition, drowsiness, dizziness,
memory loss in frequent periods, irregular menstrual condition, dry skin, loss
of appetite, muscles spasms and more. Pregnant women will have regular spells
of dizziness and children will have to suffer from various developmental
problems like stagnant height, excessive weight gain and memory problems.
Causes of Hypothyroidism:
As mentioned earlier, Hypothyroidism is a common disease and
may occur due to a variety of reasons. It may occur due to unhealthy and
unhygienic eating habits leading to thyroid problems. Eating sugary or starchy
food and junk foods may often give trouble to the thyroid glands. Surgical
removal of the entire thyroid glands, chronic stress, Autoimmune Diseases like
Hashimoto's thyroiditis and atrophic thyroiditis that can appear suddenly and
radiation treatment, which tends to harm the thyroid glands are some of the
other causes that may cause Hypothyroidism.
Congenital Hypothyroidism, a term used when a child is born
without a thyroid gland or has a dysfunctional one is also quite common among
children. Viral or Autoimmune Thyroiditis leads to Hypothyroidism and so does
any disease in the Pituitary gland. Certain medications like Lithium and
interferon alpha have also been known to cause side-effects causing
Hypothyroidism. Other causes may include consuming low or no iodine and
infiltration by bacterial agents that harm the thyroid glands.
Underactive Thyroid Treatment:
One of the most common treatments recommended by doctors is
to replace the thyroxine with another thyroid hormone called levothyroxine.
This option is very safe and does not require you to incur huge expenses on
medical bills. But for this, the metabolism rate of the body is needed to be
checked to make it normal and only then it should be done. There are various
other treatments that are available too, but this particular treatment is
considered much safer than the rest. Natural treatments are also available, but
that depends on the severity of your condition. If levothyroxine is just on
stage one, these treatments are often found to be beneficial.
Hypothyroidism is not an incurable disease and with time,
medications and precautions, the treatments will be helpful in the long-term.
The most important part to consider is that you must immediately consult a
doctor in case you start seeing the symptoms.
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